About Jazz Timesheets

Access to OneDrive allows the user to work in standalone mode with the on board database or networked using OneDrive.
The Jazz Timesheets app will become your best friend for tracking your time.
Multiple languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Finnish.
The flexible start page feature makes it easy to use as a timesheet manager to see all time-slips or start in your timesheet editor. Track time-slips for your projects for your projects, departments and contacts. Track Overtime and Time-off in lieu.
Features include:
- New Timesheet on main page
- Command context menu added to timesheet list
- Submit and Approve commands moved from application bar to menu list for timesheets and time-slips
- Main Page does not show locked Timesheets
- Settings Option to hide locked objects for All Timesheets and All Time-slips
- Added Watch list for timesheets: notifies user on a regular interval
- Lots of reports
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