We build applications that communicate

Windows Phone Jazz Task Applications

This page describes how to use Jazz Tasks as a To Do List or a Tasks Manager.

Task Manager

Jazz Tasks may be used as a Task Manager.
1. Edit Settings with Start Page = Tasks.  This starts the application on the All Tasks page.
2. A Task item has a number of fields. Of note:
a. Name of the task.
b. Contact that the task is Assigned To.
c. Project that the task belongs to.
d. Due Date of the task.
3. The All Tasks page lists them by Due Dates, showing a different list for Today, Tomorrow, Next, Overdue and Completed.
4. To add a Task item, click + at the bottom of the All Tasks page.
a. Enter the name and click save.
b. Enter the name of a contact that the task is assigned to or click Select to select a contact from the Phone Contact Manager. This will fill in the name of the contact, Email and Phone number in the Task.
b. Click Start and Complete commands at the bottom of the screen to promote the status of the Task item.
5. Change the default values of Task fields on the Settings page.
a. Assigned To (Task)
b. Due Date (Task)
c. Project (Task)
d. Priority (Task)
e. Importance/Urgency (Task,ToDo)

To Do Lists

Jazz Tasks may be used to manage your to do lists.

1. Edit Settings with Start Page = ToDos.  This starts the application on the All To Dos page.

2. A To Do item has a name, status (Not Started, Active, Completed) and Importance/Urgency fields.

3. The All To Dos page lists them by status, showing a different list for Not Started, Active and Completed.

4. To add a To Do item, click + at the bottom of the All To Dos page.

a. Enter the name and click save.
b. Enter Active and Complete commands at the bottom of the screen to promote the status of the To Do item.

5. Change the default values of Status and Importance/Urgency on the Settings page.

a. Start State (ToDo)
b. Importance/Urgency (Task,ToDo)

6. You can remove completed items from the user interface by checking the 'Show Completed objects?' on the settings page.

Jazz Task Extras

We have tried to design the Task for basic to advanced tasks. The 'edit' tasks has a short list of fields:
  • Name
  • Assigned To Project
  • Due Date 
Click 'details' to add:
  • Tag
  • Priority
  • Importance
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Url

Click 'media' to add:

  • Add a Photo
  • Add a Voice Memo
  • Add a GPS Location
  • Add a multi-line Note

In addition, if you marked the task as completed and find that you must change it, just reset the task.  You are in control.