Procedure for enforcement of penalties for inactivity in Freestyle wrestling
The role of the referees, among other vital duties, should be to evaluate and distinguish what is real action versus a feigned attempt to waste time.
a) Anytime the refereeing body agrees a wrestler is blocking, interlocking fingers, thwarting his opponent and/or generally avoiding wrestling: the mat referee signals to the wrestler "Caution blue or red". First offence, the action is stopped briefly to give a verbal warning: "Attention". Second offence: the action is stopped briefly to designate the guilty wrestler and a 30-second mandatory-score period begins. The referee on the mat shall not interrupt the bout in the midst of a viable action to either start or finish an activity period. A light corresponding to the wrestler at fault is lighted. This notifies the wrestlers, coaches and spectators an "activity period" has begun. Should either wrestler score in the 30 seconds penalty session, no penalty point is awarded, only the corresponding technical point or points. If neither wrestlers scores, the opponent of the designated passive-wrestler is awarded a technical point and the passive wrestlers receives a caution (O).
b) If after 2:00 minutes into the first period neither wrestler has scored, the referees must mandatory designate one of the wrestler as inactive (the same procedure described above is administered).
c) When there is less than 30 seconds remaining in either period, if all three of the refereeing body agree a wrestler is evading and/or blocking his opponent, then his/her opponent is awarded a point (i.e fleeing the hold). This situation can be challenged to the "Jury of Appeal".
d) If a wrestler initiates his action some seconds before minute 2:00 with a 0:0 score or some seconds before the end of the activity period, the referee will not interrupt the bout and will allow the wrestler to finish the action. If the action ends with points, the bout will continue without any interruption. If the action doesn't end with points, the referee will stop the bout and will apply the right procedure.
Procedure for enforcement of penalties for inactivity in Greco-Roman wrestling
If a wrestler is blocking, keeping his head down on his opponent chest, interlocking fingers, or in general avoiding open wrestling in standing position (refusing to come back on a straighter upper body position), the referee will determine this wrestler as being passive.
Ordered parterre for passivity is cancelled, and the following procedure will be enforced:
- First time issue a verbal warning to the passive wrestler by using UWW vocabulary without stopping the bout. No need to put a "V" on the score sheet
- Second time (P) same wrestler is passive, referee will give 1st passivity warning, again without stopping the bout
- Third time (P) when the same wrestler is passive, referee shall give 2nd passivity warning and 1 technical point to his opponent, again without stopping the bout.
- Every further two passivity will result in 1 technical point to the opponent, all without stopping the bout
In case the score is 0:0, 3rd violation to one wrestler must be called within time of the bout not later than 3 minutes (4 minutes 30 seconds for the juniors).
In case the bout reach 3 minutes (4 minutes 30 for the Juniors) and the score is still 0:0, the referee will stop the bout and the refereeing body will choose a wrestler as passive and they will give 1 point to his/her opponent.
Note: the procedures for the enforcement of passivity for the Freestyle and Greco-Roman disciplines are distinctly different.